Twitter Users to See How Many People Read Their Tweets

Twitter CEO Elon Musk continues to trust to improve Twitter. Acquiring the robust platform is only a part of his master plan. He laid out a trajectory to add new features to the landscape of social media. 

His commitment to advancing engaged dialogue could completely revolutionize the company even more. 

Twitter to Allow Users to See How Many People Read Their Tweets

Musk announced that a new feature will allow users to see how many times their tweets have been viewed. This announcement came after a user claimed nobody reads his tweets.

“I meet so many people who read Twitter every day but rarely tweet,” Musk said. “If I may beg your indulgence, please add your voice to the public dialogue!”

He added, “Those who read tweets outnumber those who reply/retweet/like tweets by over 1000%. Twitter will start showing the view count for all tweets, just as the view count is shown for all videos. The system is far more alive than it would seem.”

Musk has been pushing for more freedom of speech since purchasing the platform in October.

Twitter Files Reveal Visibility Filtering Used to Suppress What People See

Twitter has been using “visibility filtering” to control what users see on the platform. This means that Twitter can: 

  • Blacklist certain users
  • Limit the discoverability of tweets
  • Prevent posts from appearing on the trending page

Bari Weiss, the founder, and editor of The Free Press posted part two of the Twitter Files… titling the post “Twitter’s Secret Blacklists,” which filtered the visibility of content from users.

Weiss said, “Twitter once had a mission to give everyone the power to create… and share ideas and information instantly. Along the way, barriers nevertheless were erected.”

The company also has a group called SRT-GET that decides whether or not to limit the reach of certain users.

Moreover, there is also a group called SIP-PES which is made up of Twitter executives who make the most politically sensitive decisions for the platform.

Now, the dems can’t accept the truth that they’re unable to manipulate the content in the social media platform…

Twitter was the way the left empowered themselves. It was their private club…  where any outsider who snuck in an opposing view would be attacked by a bot army and then escorted out of the club.

At the end of the day, Musk believes in voluntary, informed consent and allowing those being oppressed to speak their minds.

We should be able to find real news on Twitter and be in touch with our reps and people we want to hear from.  When it was being used as a propaganda and censoring outlet by the left, Twitter wasn’t fun. Now, it’s a blast listening to real people who tell the truth for a change.

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